Mobile Phones and Seatbelts Technology Review (Phase 2)

Published: Aug 2020


ISBN: 978-1-912433-60-5

Author: P Vermaat and R Myers

Pages: 40

Reference: PPR871


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Following their identification in Phase 1 of this project (Vermaat et al, 2018), several technologies for monitoring mobile phone and seatbelt use by vehicle occupants were selected for further investigation. These included an ‘assisted tagging’ concept, where human coders review partially processed images captured from cameras, data fusion concepts and deep learning technology. Research into these areas was carried out through engagement with subject matter experts. Recommendations include a research and development programme to work towards future automated data collection, starting with the demonstration of a suitable camera solution. Initially, this could be deployed as part of an ‘assisted tagging’ process which has the potential to deliver more useful survey data at lower costs than existing methods.

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