TRL can help you to -
- Calculate the operational placement and best use of low carbon vehicles in the fleet
- Undertake electric vehicle fleet conversion studies
- Derive insights from existing telematics data that help identify quick efficiency improvements of whole fleets, individual vehicles or drivers
- Develop a robust low carbon business model through modelling real-world and simulated data
- Interpret the European decarbonisation policy and regulation landscape
- Support the pursuit of R&D grant funding among local/national/international research and funding organisations
- Collaborate with customers and suppliers to create a sustainable value chain
TRL’s credentials
- Management and delivery of the ECO Stars fleet recognition scheme
- Low Emission Freight Trials
- Seminal research into consumer acceptance of electric vehicles and choice of charging method (CVEI)
- Electric Road Systems – an analysis of options for electrification of infrastructure at a national scale
- Delivery & Service Plans, minimising the impact to local communities of major construction schemes by scheduling access to site
- STTRIDE investment tool
- DeteCTOR
- Asphalt Pavement Embodied Carbon Tool - asPECT