- Summarising the existing policy cascaded in the UK from Central, Regional and Local Government
- Locating best practice policy and strategy documentation already developed by comparable Local Authorities/Universities/NHS Trusts, to use as a benchmark for chosen investment paths
- Engaging key local stakeholders in the initial assessment of needs and opportunities, including data collection on the local use of private cars (including car clubs), public transport (including Park and Ride), cyclists and freight and logistics operators; also mapping of existing charging infrastructure and potential network expansion and its implications.
- Drafting a clear and concise, high level policy document for public consultation
- Formulating a detailed, prioritised, 5 year plan of specific actions, as a business case which presents evidence of the contribution of each intervention to the overall objective of decarbonising the local transport system, and highlighting its overall lifetime value and societal benefits
- Identifying existing and planned funding sources to potentially subsidise delivery of the planned interventions.
- Determining a suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track and monitor as early warning of changes to major elements of the strategy e.g. homeworking, alternative fuel taxes, new vehicle subsidies
- Provide a literature review into successful deployment of infrastructure for alternatively fuelled vehicles’ in other locations which will provide insight into -
- Rapid charging options for public destinations
- Management of energy network constraints and connections
- On-street charging options
- Rural charging needs
- Potential commercial opportunities from network access
- Efficiency savings and air quality impact from public transport services
- Options for last mile deliveries and delivery hubs
- Procurement methods and affordability criteria
- Ways to encourage taxis and private hire vehicles to use electric vehicles
- Best practice management and maintenance of public charging infrastructure
- Infrastructure changes to permit more shared road space e.g. by delivery bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters
- Identifying solutions and business models specifically that have the potential to generate an income for the Local Authority.
Find further detail of our consultancy activities in our paper: Decarbonising Transport. Of specific interest to Local Authorities, Universities and NHS Trusts are:
- Calculating the GHG emissions for the local transport system as a component of the whole energy system for the area, providing an evidence base of current % contribution to the regional or UK total
- Auditing and refining the accuracy of existing models provided by local energy authorities and suppliers.
- Feasibility studies of transition to a different energy system infrastructure
- Net zero carbon plans, strategies and technology roadmaps, differentiated for rural and urban areas
- Climate adaptation & resilience modelling in accordance with ISO 14090/14092, using tools that assesses the likelihood, frequency and severity impact of future climate change scenarios on local transport infrastructure (road, rail, shipping, aviation) and planned developments
- Technology evaluation and monitoring for fleet operators
- Programmes to stimulate behavioural changes by consumers