Child safety seat advice

TRL has over 50 years’ experience of reducing fatalities and serious injuries to children.

Our innovative research was instrumental in improving child occupant protection; this included real-world assessment of human factors, collision analysis, literature reviews, biomechanics, dummy and injury criteria development, and validation of new standards and test methods.  This research was backed up by rigorous test design and type approval services.


Independent test design, management and analysis

We no longer conduct type approval or conformity of Production (CoP) testing at our own premises.  However our globally renowned experts continue to work with the manufacturers of child seats and vehicle restraint systems to design new products. We can advise on the suitability of alternative test facilities and manage the test contract on your behalf.  Our impartiality means that our analysis and evaluation of the test results is completely independent.

We assist with the creation of bespoke testing programmes for a range of groups and purposes, including consumer information organisations.  We support with the interpretation of evidence in expert witness reports, and manage collision reconstructions for high profile trials.


Product Development and Consulting 

Our active participation in regulatory working groups makes TRL uniquely placed to advise firms in developing and improving their products, not only through benchmarking against current competitors and regulations, but also those expected in future.




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